Po polsku


Artists: Sherko Abbas Abdl-razaq, Lida Abdul, Alice Aycock, Babi Badalov, Ismail Bahri, Ricardo Basbaum, berszmisiak, Olaf Brzeski, Karolina Brzuzan, Rafał Bujnowski, Adelita Husni Bey, Monica Bonvicini, Latifa Echakhch, Harun Farocki, Esther Ferrer, Anton Kats, Daphne Keramidas, Anna Królikiewicz, Julie Luzoir, Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Małgorzata Markiewicz, Agnieszka Polska, Simon Pope, Konrad Pustoła, Tere Recarens, Sylvie Réno, Maciej Salamon, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Florian Zeyfang

The Ver­na­cu­la­rity exhi­bi­tion is plan­ned for the entire sum­mer. Until the end of Sep­tem­ber it rema­ins our alpha­bet of eve­ry­day phe­no­mena, a field of refe­rence, a rese­rvoir of forms and tech­ni­ques. Ver­na­cu­lar is per­haps not a very popu­lar term altho­ugh it refers exac­tly to that which is com­mon. It refers to the indi­ge­nous, to the lan­gu­age of daily com­mu­ni­ca­tion, local know­ledge, tech­no­logy and a mode of repre­sen­ta­tion. Today we speak of ver­na­cu­lar archi­tec­ture, such as pho­to­gra­phy or gra­phic design. Ver­na­cu­la­rity was cho­sen as the theme of our main exhi­bi­tion which allows for a laby­rinth of mate­rial works, pain­tings, sculp­tu­res, texti­les, video and diverse acti­vi­ties lin­ked to the objet tro­uvé , natu­ral objects, tech­ni­ques and tech­no­lo­gies of the eve­ry­day, as well as quoti­dian sub­stan­ces and acti­vi­ties. It puts toge­ther the visual voca­bu­lary of the com­mon, reve­als the links between the dome­stic and the relational.

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Our mat­ter of con­cern and inqu­iry are natu­ral fin­dings such as plants or sto­nes; and the aesthe­tics of found objects as well as their abi­lity to gene­rate new forms; the pain­terly skills of the nail spe­cia­list and the ano­ny­mous talents of weavers. We are inte­re­sted in ver­na­cu­la­rity in photo repre­sen­ta­tions and repe­ti­tion in eve­ry­day cho­res. We refer to lan­gu­age, to what is trans­la­ta­ble and untran­sla­ta­ble in a local con­text. This is per­haps due to it being untran­sla­ta­ble, often con­si­de­red as a disqu­ali­fy­ing aspect of work in the inter­na­tio­nal cir­cu­la­tion of art, as being a power­ful gene­ra­tor of forms.

Gar­den of Eve­ry­day Errors: Ver­na­cu­la­rity enta­ils its sister pro­ject from the pre­vious year: Eve­ry­day­ness and cla­sps toge­ther the five-​​year long pro­gramme line of Alter­na­tiva, tra­cing sub­stan­tial phe­no­mena from a local con­text such as labour and leisure, estran­ge­ment, mate­ria­lity, uto­pian thin­king and the tac­tics of eve­ry­day life. It is dedi­ca­ted to occa­sio­nally noti­ced forms which are so unre­mar­ka­ble that they are nearly exceptional.

Ple­ase feel welcome not only to the exhi­bi­tions but also to acti­vely par­ti­ci­pate in the ove­rall pro­gramme. See you soon!

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